Zions Bank Online Banking


Zions Bank Corporation is a bank holding company, headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, that is one of the largest banks in the United States. The bank’s history dates back to the founding of Zion’s Savings Bank and Trust Company, which Brigham Young opened in the fall of 1873 by during the Mormon settlement of Utah. It was Utah’s first chartered savings bank and trust company.

Bank Official Website:

Bank Customer Service Telephone:
1(800) 974-8800

Router Number:

Swift Number:

Online Banking Mobile Apps:

Branch Locator:
Branch Finder Link

Zions Bank Online Banking Login

How to Login

Step 1 – Visit Zion Bank’s Website and chose one of the three options: PersonalBusiness or Corporate in Login To Your Accounts section on the top left of the homepage.

Step 2 – Enter your card details and click on Continue.

Forgot Password – If your Password has been forgotten, click on “Reset my Password”. Alternatively contact the customer service department(800-974-8800) and inform a bank associate of your problem. They will then help you recover your forgotten item.

How to Enroll

Step 1 – Visit Zion Bank’s Website and click on Enrol Now. You will be directed to the Online Banking Enrollment Page. Online enrollment is available only to personal banking customers with an existing Zions Bank Checking, Money Market or Savings account and one of the following: ATM Card (or) Visa® Debit Card. Chose the appropriate option from Online Banking or PC Banking and Click on Continue.

Step 2 – Enter your card details and click on Continue.